little thrre是什么意思

回答于 2023-03-18 10:55:07 阅读 597
little thrre是什么意思

little thrre是什么意思

1、littleadj.(less [les], lesser; least [li:st])小的(人物或动物)幼小的; 小得可爱的矮小的心地狭窄的; 孩子似的短(暂)的琐碎的; 微不足道 的; 渺小的(还含有可怜、轻蔑的感情)[表示否定语气]很少的; 甚微的; 几乎没有; [a little][表示肯定的语气]一些, 一点点卑鄙的小规模的无影响力的微弱的, 不强的a little garden 小花园the little Smiths 史密斯家的小孩子们a little woman 身材矮小的女人; [美俚]妻子an old lady with a little mind 心胸狭窄的老太婆stay a little while 稍停一会儿go a little way with sb. 陪某人走一段路Look at that poor little child. 瞧那个可怜的小孩。

2、How are the little ones? 孩子们好吗?Don't worry about little things. 别为琐事烦恼。

3、I gave him the little moneythat I had saved. 我把节省下来的一点钱都给他了。

4、I took no little pains over it. 这事我花了不少力气。

5、A little care would have prevented it. 稍微当心一点, 这种事情就不会发生。

6、There is (but) little hope. 没有什么希望。

7、 (比较: There is a little hope. 还有一点希望。

8、)There is (but) little time left. 没剩下多少时间了。

9、(比较 Don't worry, we still have a little time. 别担心, 我们还有一点时间呢。

10、)She knows little [a little] English 他不懂[懂一点]英语。

11、Why do you come to me with every little difficulty? 你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我?习惯用语a little at a time 每次少许A little is better than none. 聊胜于无。

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